SoFi Recap, Gahr Competition, CIF, and More!

SoFi Recap

This past Monday, the band had the privilege of performing at SoFi Stadium! Despite some hiccups (one of the buses arrived broken and we had to wait for a new one, the props didn’t fit through the tunnel, etc.), we had a great performance. In our first WBA show since the pandemic, we took 3rd in our division, and 5th overall. We also got to perform at the inaugural marching event at SoFi in front of a great crowd!

Football CIF Game this Friday!

From what I understand, our football team made CIF playoffs! I don’t have any details yet, but please plan on our normal football game schedule this Friday, November 3. This date has been a question mark on the calendar, and I’m giving you information as soon as I have it. Let’s plan on a 7:00 pm home game at Gahr, with a call time of 5:00 pm, but I will let you know immediately if anything changes. Go CHS!

Thank You!

We met our goal! Thank you so much for your generosity! The trailer will be getting washed and sent out to the company who will wrap it on November 6th, and we should have it decked out for our competition on November 11th!

Winter Drumline and Winter Guard

If you plan on participating in Winter Drumline or Winter Guard, please put November 9th on your calendar for a mandatory parent meeting. We will discuss schedule, fundraising, program donations, expectations for the season, etc.

Also, please note that the wreath and See’s fundraisers can help you pay for your donation for these programs! We try to keep costs as low as possible, but donations are typically $600-$800. Please plan your participation in our holiday fundraisers accordingly!

Upcoming Events

October 29-November 4

Monday: Rehearsal 3:30-6:30/Trunk or Treat
Tuesday: Sectionals 3:25-4:20
Wednesday: Rehearsal 3:30-6:30
Thursday: Rehearsal 3:30-6:30
Friday: CIF Football Game
Saturday: CSBC Competition @Gahr HS

November 5-November 11

Monday: Rehearsal 3:30-6:30
Tuesday: Sectionals 3:25-4:20
Wednesday: Rehearsal 3:30-6:30
Thursday: Rehearsal 3:30-6:30
Friday: Veteran’s Day Rehearsal 10:00-5:00
Saturday: CSBC Division Finals

Call Sheet: Competition @Gahr

Saturday, November 4

here for the Google Doc version of this call sheet.

10:00- Call time at CHS, rehearsal
12:55- Lunch and load! Boosters feeding students at CHS. Stay on campus!
2:55- Load buses, seniority order
*Sit in the seat you signed up for!
3:10- Depart CHS on bus
3:20- Arrive at Gahr HS, prop and percussion set-up/warm-ups
6:10- Pit Gate Entry
6:16- Band Gate Entry
6:20- Perform Mind Games
6:35- Change out of uniforms, load trucks
7:30- Move to stadium as a unit, sit in stands together, then you are free.
*Students may purchase dinner at concessions/vendors, must be in groups of 3+!
8:25- Everyone is back together for awards in the stands. No exceptions, don’t be late!
9:00- Awards!
9:30- Depart Gahr High School
9:45- Arrive at CHS, unload trailers
10:15- Approximate dismissal AS A GROUP once all equipment is put away

Lightweight black shorts or leggings
Mind Games Show Shirt
Band Shoes (Drillmasters)
Full length black socks
If you have long hair, put it in a tight bun
No makeup, jewelry, nail polish, etc.
Bring jeans and a band sweatshirt/jacket to change into

We are one team- everyone is helping with everything!
You must always be with a buddy. One that isn’t a significant other.
No eating or drinking (except water) in your uniform.
You are representing our program- make sure it is a good representation all the time!

We now accept online donations!

With our new website, we are able to accept program donations online! We accept all major credit cards, and PayPal. If you still need to make your program donation, or would like to contribute to the trailer fund, visit our website, click the Store tab, select the fund you would like to donate to, change the quantity to the amount you would like to donate, and enter your payment details! We hope that this makes the process of supporting our program just a little bit smoother.

Online Store

Looking for some Regiment of Gold swag? Our online store has some new items, and is being added to regularly. We have a limited supply of previous years’ show shirts for sale through our online store, and we are working on adding more items.

Holiday Fundraisers!

Happy Holidays! 
On 10/20, we begin our next fundraiser: Holiday Wreaths and See’s Candy!
These fundraisers are not required; they are set up to help pay for outstanding donations as well as prepare for the Winter Guard and Drumline. I encourage all students to take advantage of this opportunity because it is the biggest fundraiser left in the school year!

Due Date for Fundraisers
Payments and order forms must be submitted by Friday, November 2nd (no exceptions). That gives you three weeks to reach out to family and friends to presale the wreaths and candy!
Additional copies of the order forms will be distributed next week after practice.

Wreaths: 35%–40%, depending on overall sales
See’s Candy: 20%–30%, depending on overall sales

Distribution Date
This will depend on when the company ships the order. We're shooting for 1-2 weeks after Thanksgiving.
Students will be required to pick up their products in the band room and then distribute them to their purchasers. We will notify parents of pick-up dates for both the Wreaths and See’s.

Trunk or Treat

Please join us for our annual Trunk or Treat on October 30th after practice. This is an ROG tradition, and we look forward to having as many trunks as possible. Please sign up ahead of time so we can prepare for the event. Please drop off any candy donations the day of the trunk or treat.

Trunk or Treat Signup Genius: Click Here

Other Fundraisers

We wrapped up our popcorn fundraiser. If you didn’t sell 4 bags or more of popcorn, please turn in a check for $20 in to the black box

As always, checks can be made out to CHSMB.

Looking for Other Ways to Support?

We have an Amazon wishlist now. This is a collection of miscellaneous supplies and equipment that are nice to haves. They are not urgent purchases, but will help the program run smoother. Thank you for your continued generosity and support of the program!


Gahr Recap, Winter Parent Meeting, Veteran’s Day Rehearsal, & CIF


SoFi, Picture Day, and Holidays