Competition FAQs

What does a typical competition day look like?

  • Report to the band room

  • Rehearsal

  • Students gather and load uniforms & supplies into trucks/trailers

  • Meal provided by the Boosters

  • Load the busses

  • Arrive at the competition site

  • Unload trucks/trailers

  • Change into uniforms

  • Warm-up/stretch musically and visually

  • Water and snacks provided

  • Perform our show!

  • Change out of uniform and load trucks/trailers

  • Regroup and take a break/provide snack (if able)

  • Gather for the announcement of awards

  • Finish loading trailers and load buses to depart to CHS

  • When we arrive at CHS all students help unload until dismissed

If the Band has a long break between performances, can I take my student home?

No, the entire band stays together until the competition is over.

Can my student purchase concessions?

Yes, if time allows, students can purchase items in the concessions stands. Due to our late performance time this will be difficult for most competitions.

Where can I purchase tickets?

Tickets can be purchased the day of the event at the location of the competition. At some competitions, tickets can be purchased ahead of time, online through the CSBC website, but this is not always an option.

Do we need help?

Yes, and lots of it! Parent Volunteers have a full day also! Your band director will, of course, have designated roles and needs for your program, but typical parent volunteer needs include:

  • Uniform Crew - distribute and collect, fix last minute emergencies, etc...

  • Pit Crew - load/unload equipment, help set the field, etc...

  • Bus Chaperones

  • Hospitality Crew

If you want to help out with the band at competitions look for our emails on ways to sign up or reach out to our CHS Music Boosters.

Am I allowed to clap & cheer at competitions?

Yes! In fact, we encourage you to make some noise for our band!

Please read through this document on Competition Etiquette to get the lowdown on competition behavior.

More competition information can be found at: California State Band Championships (

Remember that students are representing not just their band, but their entire school and home community at the competition.

Are the competitions scored/judged?

Yep! There is a large panel of judges/clinicians assigning scores and giving feedback. After each competition, a number of awards are given. There are awards in captions (high visual, high music, high auxiliary, etc.), and overall placement. Taped feedback is also provided to help make the show and educational experience for the kids better.

What does success at a competition look like?

You win some and you lose some! A philosophy that we try and instill in the students is that shows are just a snapshot of where we are at on that day and we can only control what we can control.

That means that we are striving for excellence every day in rehearsal, taking care of business between rehearsals, developing discipline, musicianship, teamwork, responsibility, and a growth mindset. When we are learning and growing in these areas, we hope that success follows, but know that it doesn’t always.

I often tell the kids “Be proud of the work we have done, but not satisfied with where we are at.” We can win a show, but not have lived up to our full potential. We should be disappointed in this. We can get last place, but have done all of the right things, learned, and grown, and we should hold our heads high. Winning is fun though, and it is a magical moment when we know that we have given our all, and are recognized for it!