Middle School/Senior Night, Monsoon Classic, and Updates
South Coast Invitational Recap
We won! What a great first show, everybody! To start our season, we won high percussion and high auxiliary caption awards, and won 1st place in our division! Thank you to all the volunteers who helped the day of, and to all the parents for supporting your students. RoG, lets keep it up, and continue to build a culture of excellence. Congratulations!
Upcoming Events
October 8-October 14
Monday: Rehearsal 3:30-6:30
Tuesday: Sectionals 3:25-4:20
Booster Meeting 6:30
Wednesday: Rehearsal 3:30-6:30
Thursday: Football Game vs. Glenn- Senior Night and Middle School Night
Friday: Competition Prep 3:25-4:20- Sectionals, brass polishing, etc.
Saturday: Mayfair Monsoon Classic @Bellflower HS
October 15-October 21
Monday: Rehearsal 3:30-6:30
Tuesday: Sectionals 3:25-4:20
Wednesday: Rehearsal 3:30-6:30
Thursday: Rehearsal 3:30-6:30
Saturday: Rehearsal 10:00-5:00
Call Sheet: Home Game v. Glenn HS
Thursday, October 12
5:00 pm - Call Time @Rant's Stadium
(meet by the trucks)
5:05 - Unload trucks
5:15 - Change into uniforms
5:30 - Boosters provide meal
6:00 - Music warm-up/rehearsal
6:30 - Senior retreat for Senior Night
6:55 - Perform the Star Spangled Banner
7:00 - Kickoff
2nd Quarter - 10 mins left on game clock, warm-up off to the side
Half-time - Perform Mind Games
3rd Quarter Off- be back in your seats with 5 mins on 3rd Quarter game clock
10:00 - Approximate game end. Parents pick up your students @Rant's Stadium and drive to CHS
Everyone needs to meet back at CHS to help unload the trucks!
Lightweight black shorts or leggingsMind Games Show Shirt
Band Shoes (Drillmasters)
Full length black socks
If you have long hair, have it pulled back
No makeup, jewelry, nail polish, etc.
We are there to support the team and our school.
No phones/homework in the stands!
No eating or drinking (except water) in the stands.
You are representing our program- make sure it is a good representation all the time!
Call Sheet: Mayfair Monsoon Classic
Saturday, October 14
10:00- Call time at CHS, rehearsal
12:55- Lunch and load! Boosters feeding students at CHS
2:55- Load buses, seniority order. Sit in the seat you signed up for!
3:10- Depart CHS on bus
3:30- Arrive at Bellflower HS, prop and percussion set-up/warm-ups
6:20- Pit Gate Entry|
6:26- Band Gate Entry
6:30- Perform Mind Games
6:45- Change out of uniforms, load trucks
7:30- Move to stadium as a unit, sit in stands together, then you are free.
Students may purchase dinner at concessions/vendors, must be with a buddy!
8:25- Everyone is back together for awards in the stands. No exceptions, don’t be late!
8:45- Awards!
9:15- Depart Bellflower High School
9:45- Arrive at CHS, unload trailers
10:15- Approximate dismissal AS A GROUP once all equipment is put away
Lightweight black shorts or leggings
Mind Games Show Shirt
Band Shoes (Drillmasters)
Full length black socks
If you have long hair, put it in a tight bun
No makeup, jewelry, nail polish, etc.
Bring jeans and a band sweatshirt/jacket to change into
We are one team- everyone is helping with everything!
You must always be with a buddy. One that isn’t a significant other.
No eating or drinking (except water) in your uniform.
You are representing our program- make sure it is a good representation all the time!
Fundraising! Trailer Fund and Popcorn Buyout
We are doing a great job! So far we have raised about $2800 of our $4000 goal! Let’s keep pushing! Remember, if you donate $25 or more, your name will be immortalized on the inside of the trailer.
We wrapped up our popcorn fundraiser last week. If you didn’t sell 4 bags or more of popcorn, please turn in a check for $20 in to the black box
As always, checks can be made out to CHSMB.