Schedule Change, Gear Drive, Fireworks Coordinator Needed
Schedule Change! It’s Hot 🔥
I’m hoping you already saw this on the Band app!
Tomorrow's forecast right now is 103 degrees. Typically Mondays are an outdoor visual rehearsal, but this won't be possible. We missed 2 outdoor rehearsals last week (Labor Day and heat), and can't miss another without falling behind. I hate changing the schedule, but this week, it is necessary.
The schedule change only affects Woodwinds and Brass players. Everyone else's schedule will be the same (if you are a percussionist or in the color guard, your weekly schedule is the same!) Check out the “Week at a Glance” below to see everything written out.
We are flipping our Monday and Wednesday practice times and objectives.
For Woodwinds and Brass:
Monday 3:30-5pm music rehearsal
Wednesday 3:30-6:30 visual rehearsal
Thank you for your flexibility!
Week at a Glance
Monday 9/9: Wind rehearsal 3:30-5:00pm, Percussion/guard rehearsal 3:30-6:30pm
Tuesday 9/10: Wind rehearsal 3:30-5:00pm, Booster Meeting 6:30pm
Wednesday 9/11: Winds and percussion rehearsal 3:30-6:30pm
Thursday 9/12: Rehearsal 3:30-6:30pm
Friday 9/13:
Saturday 9/14: Saturday Rehearsal 9:00-4:00
Monday 9/16: Rehearsal 3:30-6:30pm
Tuesday 9/17: Wind rehearsal 3:30-5:00pm, Chick-fil-a Fundraiser
Wednesday 9/18: Wind rehearsal 3:30-5:00pm, Percussion rehearsal 3:30-6:30pm
Thursday 9/19: Rehearsal 3:30-6:30pm
Friday 9/20:
Saturday 9/21:
Sunday 9/22: Advanced Jazz @Portuguese Hall
Athletic Clearance
If you have not completed your athletic clearance yet, you must do it ASAP!
Each year, students need to complete a physical and athletic clearance packet for the school. This paperwork needs to be done BEFORE band camp, and turned in to the school. This does not come to the band program! Below you will find a link to the Athletic Clearance packet, the Physical Examination form, and a link to a local doctor who provides physicals for $25 and has worked with some of our students in the past.
Urteaga Chiropractic & Sports Medicine - Artesia
ROG Show Schedule
Regiment of Gold Gear Drive
Get ready for all of our upcoming events with your very own Regiment of Gold gear. Order forms are due in the box by Friday, September 20th. Don the Black and Gold at all our events!
Save the Date
Our next fundraiser will take place all day
September 8th.
Please share with family and friends.
Fireworks Coordinator Needed
This year we are looking for a fireworks coordinator. It's a great opportunity to get more involved in our program! We're looking for a reliable parent who is willing to run our 2025 fireworks stand. If you are interested, please let us know, and we would be happy to get you more information about this position.
Please make your first donation to the program as soon as possible! The first installment is $300 and the recommended due date was June 1. Donations can be made on our website here. Just change the quantity to the amount that you want to donate and checkout. The full donation amount is $800. Feel free to pay any portion of that amount.
The recommended due dates for donations are as follows:
June 1: $300
July 1: $300
August 1: $200
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to Mr. Westphal or our treasurer Mike Mendez.
As we are getting rolling this year, more and more information will be going out. I will begin posting weekly updates on our website, and will send a link to the updates via email.
A few things to note:
The Band app is not a monitored communication avenue. We have the Band app to send our last minute updates and information changes. (Ex.: We are headed home from a competition and there is an accident on the freeway. Our arrival time will be significantly different. We will send out an update via Band app to notify parents of the change.) Please do not try to contact Mr. Westphal via Band app.
If you have a question about something in an email update, please do not reply to the email. Those emails go to a mailing list of almost 500 people. Inevitable a few bounce back. When people start replying to the emails, the threads get very messy. Please start a new email thread and send it to Mr. Westphal. Chances that a reply to the mailing list emails gets missed are excellent.
This year’s calendar continues to be updated. Many of the events will will participate in this year are already on the calendar, but please note that the calendar is still tentative and subject to change. You can view it here.
The Boosters are in need of your help. We are looking for donations as we prepare for the upcoming Fall Season. Please take a minute to check out our link and sign up. Donations due the week of Band Camp #2.