Band Camp Continues, Golf N Stuff, Parent Preview Show, Booster Member Drive
Band Camp Continues!
Attendance at rehearsals is mandatory
Schedule Overview
August 2: Band Camp (everyone)- 1:00pm-8:00pm @CHS
August 3: Golf N Stuff Family Night- 4:00pm-9:00pm @ Golf N Stuff (info below)
August 5: Band Camp (everyone)- 1:00pm-8:00pm @CHS
August 6: Band Camp (everyone)- 1:00pm-8:00pm @CHS
August 7: Band Camp (everyone)- 1:00pm-8:00pm @CHS
August 8: Band Camp (everyone)- 1:00pm-8:00pm @CHS
August 9: Band Camp (everyone)- 1:00pm-7:00pm @CHS, Parent Preview Show- 7:00pm @CHS
Generally, the schedule will be broken down as follows:
Music Block: 1PM – 4PM
Lunch Block: 4PM -5PM
Visual Block: 5PM – 8 PM
Make sure your you are prepared with the following:
One gallon jug of water (see below)
Dot book (see below)
Athletic clothing and shoes (no sandals, converse, etc.)
Working equipment
Bring a lunch on the days lunch isn’t provided (more information soon)
Understand it is impossible to make up the information gained in a rehearsal.
To be early is to be on time
Have fun with us, and participate in our Spirit Days! We will also have some games and team building activities each day!
Be on the lookout for ducks throughout band camp!
Week 2:
Monday- Color War
Tuesday- Hawaiian Day
Wednesday- Dress As Your Coach
Thursday- Throw Back to the 90’s
Friday- Don Your Red and Gold
Parent Preview
Family and Friends Preview BBQ 8-11:
We will be hosting our Family and Friends Preview BBQ on Friday August 11th at 6:00PM. The students will perform a preview of what they have been learning this summer.
Please complete the attached meal order form and turn in by 8/11
Bring your own chair! No seats available.
We will have a limited number of meals to purchase that day, while supplies last.
Booster Membership Drive
From our wonderful Boosters:
“This year we are asking for your help in growing our team and asking for every parent or guardian to join our CHS Music Booster Family! The Band Boosters are parents and guardians that support our Music program with vital logistics for our groups including the marching band, color guard, concert bands, jazz bands, winter guard, and winter drumline. Your donation will go directly towards the needs of our growing program.”
Band Wish List
Your donations are vital to the success of our program. Below is a list of items the boosters are in need of to help support the music program. We thank you in advance for your donation and ask that you bring donated items to our family BBQ on 8/11.
Cerritos High ROG: 2024 Donation Wishlist (
Golf N Stuff
Join us for our Regiment of Gold Family Night on August 3rd from 4:00PM – 9:00PM
Please bring the Golf N Stuff Flier with you the day of the event. When the flier is presented to the cashier before purchase, the holder of the flier may purchase any attraction ticket or unlimited wristband from the general public price board. Golf N’ Stuff will donate 25% of sales to our organization. Flier is not valid for snack bar, snack shop, or arcade purchases.
Important information:
No sandals, open toe shoes, bare feet, crocs, sandals, high heels, or flip flops allowed on rides.
Expect possible wait time at golf line and ride lines. Also, no holding spots in line.
Individuals with casts cannot participate on rides due to risk of further injury.
Please encourage your group members to carpool.
Volunteers Needed!
As we kick off the new year, we are in need of volunteers! It truly takes a village to run a successful program. Even if you can only help a little, let us know and we can find something that works for you. Thank you in advance for supporting your students!
Click here to fill out our interest form.
Athletic Clearance
Each year, students need to complete a physical and athletic clearance packet for the school. This paperwork needs to be done BEFORE band camp, and turned in to the school. This does not come to the band program! Below you will find a link to the Athletic Clearance packet, the Physical Examination form, and a link to a local doctor who provides physicals for $25 and has worked with some of our students in the past.
Urteaga Chiropractic & Sports Medicine - Artesia
Please make your first donation to the program as soon as possible! The first installment is $300 and the recommended due date was June 1. Donations can be made on our website here. Just change the quantity to the amount that you want to donate and checkout. The full donation amount is $800. Feel free to pay any portion of that amount.
The recommended due dates for donations are as follows:
June 1: $300
July 1: $300
August 1: $200
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to Mr. Westphal or our treasurer Mike Mendez.
Clothing Drive
As we are getting rolling this year, more and more information will be going out. I will begin posting weekly updates on our website, and will send a link to the updates via email.
A few things to note:
The Band app is not a monitored communication avenue. We have the Band app to send our last minute updates and information changes. (Ex.: We are headed home from a competition and there is an accident on the freeway. Our arrival time will be significantly different. We will send out an update via Band app to notify parents of the change.) Please do not try to contact Mr. Westphal via Band app.
If you have a question about something in an email update, please do not reply to the email. Those emails go to a mailing list of almost 500 people. Inevitable a few bounce back. When people start replying to the emails, the threads get very messy. Please start a new email thread and send it to Mr. Westphal. Chances that a reply to the mailing list emails gets missed are excellent.
This year’s calendar continues to be updated. Many of the events will will participate in this year are already on the calendar, but please note that the calendar is still tentative and subject to change. You can view it here.
The Boosters are in need of your help. We are looking for donations as we prepare for the upcoming Fall Season. Please take a minute to check out our link and sign up. Donations due the week of Band Camp #2.