Summer To-Do List and Fireworks Fundraiser

Student Information

EVERYONE! Yes, EVERYONE! Please take a minute and fill out this form. We have a number from new freshmen, but filling it out a second time won’t hurt anyone. We need new, up-to-date information for everyone. Please take 3 minutes and make sure we have your current information.

Student Information 2024-2025

Volunteers Needed!

As we kick off the new year, we are in need of volunteers! It truly takes a village to run a successful program. Even if you can only help a little, let us know and we can find something that works for you. Thank you in advance for supporting your students!

Click here to fill out our interest form.

Athletic Clearance

Each year, students need to complete a physical and athletic clearance packet for the school. This paperwork needs to be done BEFORE band camp, and turned in to the school. This does not come to the band program! Below you will find a link to the Athletic Clearance packet, the Physical Examination form, and a link to a local doctor who provides physicals for $25 and has worked with some of our students in the past.

Athletic Clearance 2024-2025

Physical Examination forms

Urteaga Chiropractic & Sports Medicine - Artesia


Please make your first donation to the program as soon as possible! The first installment is $300 and the recommended due date was June 1. Donations can be made on our website here. Just change the quantity to the amount that you want to donate and checkout. The full donation amount is $800. Feel free to pay any portion of that amount.

The recommended due dates for donations are as follows:
June 1: $300
July 1: $300
August 1: $200

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to Mr. Westphal or our treasurer Mike Mendez.


As we are getting rolling this year, more and more information will be going out. I will begin posting weekly updates on our website, and will send a link to the updates via email.

A few things to note:

The Band app is not a monitored communication avenue. We have the Band app to send our last minute updates and information changes. (Ex.: We are headed home from a competition and there is an accident on the freeway. Our arrival time will be significantly different. We will send out an update via Band app to notify parents of the change.) Please do not try to contact Mr. Westphal via Band app.

If you have a question about something in an email update, please do not reply to the email. Those emails go to a mailing list of almost 500 people. Inevitable a few bounce back. When people start replying to the emails, the threads get very messy. Please start a new email thread and send it to Mr. Westphal. Chances that a reply to the mailing list emails gets missed are excellent.


This year’s calendar continues to be updated. Many of the events will will participate in this year are already on the calendar, but please note that the calendar is still tentative and subject to change. You can view it here.


We are excited to be bringing back our Fireworks Booth Fundraiser! This is a huge fundraiser for us, and can help you raise money to offset your Fall Season donation!

There are 2 ways you can earn money:

1. Volunteering at the Booth on South & Norwalk! The credit earned for volunteering will transfer in-kind to your account for the booster program contributions. 

  • Volunteers must be 18 years or older, no minors.

  • No limits

Shift Sign-up Link

2. Presale Vouchers are back and they're easier than ever! Now you can presell vouchers for our booth and earn credit with every sale. Once the buyer has designated their purchase toward your student, all they need to do is go to our booth to claim their purchase! Vouchers are only $20; it is a very accessible amount to support you and our program!

  • Earn $5 credit for every Presale Voucher sold!

  • Share this link with all of your friends and family!

  • Remind them to write ' Your Name / ROG ' in the Program Designation box when purchasing!

  • The vouchers are available to sell until June 27

Presale Voucher Link


Band Camp, Golf N Stuff, Parent Preview Show, Wishlists


Band Banquet